Enter a comma separated list of user names.
  • 2,901
    AJ and Sebastian bring you all the latest news, taking a long hard look at the B&R list changes and how they hit the prices. Not a bad way to celebrate 5 years' worth of podcasts!
  • 1,973
    Alex Ullman (StarCityGames) (@nerdtothecore) and Michael Vadman (@Baron_Sengir) review Born of the Gods and the new commons it brings to Pauper.
  • 39,192
    Literally no cards that aren't planeswalkers or mana-producers.
  • 2,402
    MTGO brought a flashback draft of ZEN-ZEN-WWK. And me being someone who have never played during Zendikar I will take you on a ride of someone playing this limited format for the very first time.
  • 2,238
    Time to say good-bye to Theros Limited with one last Theros Sealed Daily and Theros 8-4 Booster Draft!
  • 10,993
    Matthew is back with a deep dive in to the spoiler of Born of the Gods. He talks about the best strategies, how to evaluate Tribute and Inspired, and gives suggestions about what colors to choose for the prerelease. Check it out!
  • 8,199
    In this article, gwyned begins his Standard Pauper review of all of the Commons from Born of the Gods, taking a look at all of the creatures and spells related to the mechanics of the Theros block. With two new mechanics and two new Common cycles, there's a lot to cover!
  • 3,325
    Chris has a lot to say this week regarding Pauper and a long overdue self-realization and apology. ...Then gets right to the Ghoulraiser Zombie beatdowns!
  • 8,119
    It's Friday. Paper prereleases will be starting soon, while Wizards brings us some online Football. we have new, tech, decklists and the complete Born of the Gods spoiler. All that, and Pete muses about the downside of functional reprints. It's all just a click away.
  • 3,269
    The statute of limitations has expired, so explore historic Valencia with me as we take a look at the upcoming Pro Tour. We'll touch upon the upcoming Banned & Restricted announcement. (Will Modern go Helter Skelter?) Some cardboard slinging adventures are also presented. Oh! I'm starting to acquire minions!
  • 8,937
    Moving along with the precons, we have a straight beat down deck. Check it out!
  • 5,539
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. Wanna know what the Tribal format is, who the Tribal players are, what the Tribal decks look like, and everything else? The answers are just one click away. Plus video replays, deck techs, and whatnot. IN THIS ISSUE: Hear RexDart showing and telling about the Invitational! For hours!
  • 2,971
    Kriskurse brings you all you need to know from the past weekend in Organized play!
  • 5,677
    It's time to speculate which Born of the Gods cards will make the Modern cut. No surprise, there aren't too many! Second Sets usually don't provide much...or do they? I give each past Second Set a point rating to see which are Modern champs and which are dragging the reputation of Second Sets down.
  • 5,580
    Paul comes back, thaws out from his nearly year long hibernation, and waxes philosophical as is his wont. And some mad science for those who yearn for that.
  • 1,956
    Saturday January 18th the Classic Daily Event fired, come see some of the matches.
  • 5,488
    No constructed format is more impacted by a new set than Block. Come on in to see my thoughts on the new set as I cover the new lands and removal spells along with white and blue cards. Plus, a bonus review of my Theros set review now that we know how the format turned out!
  • 2,847
    AJ and Keya discuss the full spoiler of Born of the Gods.
  • 2,637
    Also known as "The Twitter Edition". Today, D.K. doesn't really have a decklist. This is more of a look at what may be coming for the cheapest competitive decks in Standard and Block: White Weenie and W/U Heroic. Born of the Gods is packing some heat in White, and it couldn't make D.K. happier!
    The D.K.
  • 2,451
    Alex Ullman (StarCityGames) (@nerdtothecore) and Michael Vadman (@Baron_Sengir) crunch a few numbers and discuss deck metagame analysis in the Pauper world.
  • 1,921
    Marcos talks about his preparation for the Theros Limited Championship, recounts his matches from the event, and how he's improved this past year.
  • 6,539
    It's Friday. We have news, prices, decks tech and, since it is Robot Week - Robots. The big news is the new Wide Beta build, which actually works this time around. That's bigger news than the Born of the Gods spoilers. We also have a bunch of price changes and a game of musical chairs involving pro writers and their websites. So click already!
  • 3,295
    Join Alex as he takes us through a rogue Classic Pauper deck - an aggro deck with some fun interactions and a cool tribal theme!
  • 3,183
    Join Chris as he shows off one of the cheapest viable decks in Pauper: Stompy! Green value creatures, pump spells, and tricks are the name of this game.
  • Robot Week!
    I've seen things you humans wouldn't believe... Phyrexian marauders on fire off the shores of Mirrodin. I watched triskelions glitter in the dark near the Glimmervoid. And all those moments will be lost in time, like oxidized brass men in rain. Time... to click here.