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  • 1,877
    Welcome back to SotP! This week in Hammy's How To... a compilation of utilities and sites to help troubleshoot connection issues for MTGO. This week's Ham Jones numbers (go-go Swans + Assault), and more!
  • 2,092
    Even if you don't have time to read a full draft walkthrough check out my SSS tips at the beginning of the article!
  • 2,075
    It was a big weekend for Austrailia. Not only was native-born Greg Norman reliving the good ole' days by doing what he does best (lose Sunday leads at majors), but Austrailia was also having its Magic National Championship. Find out who will comprise the Nationals team from Down Under in this year's Worlds, and check out the Standard deck in action that everyone's been talking about this week.
  • 2,015
    Can you really draft around Reaper King? Well, you can draft well, and if you do, Reaper King may fit right in.
  • 2,065
    We're back with another exciting round of Shadowmoor draft. This one was exciting to say the least. I even had some fun.
  • 2,338
    Welcome back to PDC Weekly! This week’s article is a lazy summer special, which includes a shocking THREE WEEKS worth of content! You’ll be reading this for hours! Fortunately, seeing three weeks worth of meta data at once has a wonderful effect on one’s understanding of a metagame. So if you want that understanding to be yours, crack this article open and read on!
  • 5,999
    This article contains some tips for new players and has five budget decks, which total cost is less than 9 tickets.
  • 2,618
    Ham Jones data, new charts and economy information. The beginning of a new mini-series and more!
  • 2,689
    This is a set review of Eventide specifically for the Pauper Deck Challenge. In this review, I cover all 60 Eventide commons and rate them according to how they may apply to Standard.
  • 1,924
    This week I discuss the best part of discovering the metagame on the new client, and of course we have the stats for the past week.
  • 1,879
    Come in and read about the new format that has me addicted and anxious to play every week.
  • 6,761
    A guide for MTGO skins, as well as where to get them and what they do. If you're interested in changing the look of MTGO from it's standard brown colors, this is the guide for you!
  • 2,173
    Alex played in the Manhattan Prerelease...this is his story.
  • 2,216
    My eighth Shadowmoor draft turned out better than the last one, but that wasn't going to be hard to do. How did it all go down, hit the link for the whole story.
  • 12,197
    A look at Mythic Rares, card prices, Card Evaluations and more!
  • 2,962
    It's time for another walkthrough with Trumpetman... yes I just referred to myself in third person! But 1890 players are like that!
  • 2,540
    This week we take a look at almost two weeks of meta because last week didn't really happen. Also, I take a rambling look at the cards we might be missing come October.
  • 2,377
    Block Constructed is in full swing now. Fae, Kithkin and Elementals have all taken home the blue envelope during the PTQ season, but so has the Merfolk tribe. Does this deck have what it takes, or is it just a fishy fluke?
  • 4,815
    This will be my seventh Shadowmoor draft walkthrough and this one was a bit funny. I liked my deck a lot and I don't think my results reflect how good my deck was. Find out how it all went down by clicking the link.
  • 4,027
    More detailed charts, Shadowmoor card prices, a look at PE matching issues and more!
  • 5,719
    Tarmotog discusses the current Singleton format, shares some combos and an unusual deck.
  • 10,743
    This week we'll take a look at what happened at the latest standard event and the first to be held in South America in the last couple of years. This was the first standard event since PT Hollywood, and the last before the release of Eventide. Would Gindy Elves dominant again, or would Faeries regain the top spot, or did the release of Shadowmoor on MTGO give players enough time to come up with something new?
  • 3,331
    Alex examines the issue of Artifact lands and their restriction in Classic PDC.
  • 3,088
    Pro Tour Qualifiers for Berlin are in full swing, and PEs are back on MTGO! If you are interested in Block Constructed, you might as well read up on one of the most dominating decks in the format! Plus walkerdog has a look at more PDC!
  • 2,237
    Welcome back to PDC Weekly! In this week’s episode, we learn which questions from last week we couldn’t answer, which player we couldn’t stop, and which event we couldn’t wait to attend! Read on if you want to learn more!