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  • 3,401
    It's Friday! The Pro Tour is getting underway. 1v1 Commander is a thing online. More importantly, Wizards has announced the they will host five Challenges very weekend, including one in 1v1 Commander. All that, plus Pete reminisces about the Urza's Throwback decks, and ranks them by power level. He also goldfishes the most broken, getting two turn one and six turn two kills in a dozen games. Old timey Standard, baby!
  • 4,528
    It's Friday! Copy Cat is still banned. 1v1 Commander is coming soon, and it has its own banned list, distinct from the official Commander list. That, plus more news, decklists, prices, the Draft Super League and more, all just a click away. Bonus material: Pete talks about the history of control, and speculates whether Wizards thought control would be the answer to an unbanned Copy Cat.
  • 4,639
    It's Friday! Amonkhet is online. The new B&R came out on Monday. Then the new B&R list came out on Wednesday, and hilarity ensued. Or something. The big news - getting Amonkhet online, and into the online Leagues so quickly provided the data that Wizards needed to swing the banhammer. So well done MTGO, I guess. Plus news, prices, deck tech, and more, all just a click away.
  • 3,855
    It's Friday! Amonkhet is just hours away in the paper world, and just a couple days away on MTGO. Wizards has announced the name of the fall set, and given us lots of other info. Prices are stable and we are still seeing interesting new decks. The B&R changes are coming Monday. Overall, it's been a good week, so click already.
  • 3,736
    It's Friday! Amonkhet will be on MTGO even sooner than we thought. Split Cards will get a more rational treatment, and that will kill the Beck//Call decks in Modern. Legacy Cube is back, plus more news, prices, awesome deck tech and Pete rants about Internet Trolls. All that, just a click away.
  • 3,362
    It's Friday! Amonkhet is coming, and MM17 is here. The Legacy Cube will be returning, and prices are adjusting. Pete also talks about Sam Black concession when backing up to fix an error wasn't possible. All that, just a click away.
  • 5,177
    It's Friday. Announcement Day was last week and brought us - no announcements. Standard has - no new tech. Modern Masters 2017 is here - and that's good. Prices are all over the place, and if you play paper you need to find your DCI number. Seriously. Find out why inside - just a click away.
  • 3,575
    It's Friday! Modern Masters 2017 is online! We also have news, deck tech, prices and a possible alternative to bannings, all just a click away.
  • 3,079
    It's Friday! We have Modern Cube, and will soon have Modern Masters 2017. The B&R announcement brought no changes, but constructed prize payouts are changing. All that, plus news, prices and deck tech, all just a click away.
  • 3,658
    It's Friday! Wraptor won the Magic Online Champs, and Wizards is bringing us a Modern Cube. The Standard format has exploded, with a dozen archetypes vying for Tier One. Just kidding - its all Mardu Vehicles and Crazy Cat Lady as we wait for next Monday's B&R announcement. All that plus prices, news and decklists, all just a click away.
  • 5,018
    Pete's Internet access has been busted this week. It finally came back late this morning, so an abbreviated SotP this week. Full SotP next week, even if he has to haul his desktop set-up around the state looking for WiFi.
  • 5,004
    It's Friday! The throwback format is gone, but may return. We heard a bit more about Magic Next, which may eventually arrive. We know that Stoic Angel, Domri Rade and Griselbrand are coming - one of those matters. And we have news, prices and tech, all just a click away.
  • 4,833
    It's Friday. We have another week, and another twist to the Standard metagame. We also have further changes to paper GP PTQs, and scheduling changes for online PPTQs. We also have news, prices, deck tech and more, all just a click away.
  • 4,796
    It's Friday! At the Pro Tour, Saheeli Rai got run over by some Mardu Vehicles. Also in the paper world, Nationals are returning and Sunday PTQs at GP are also back. At the Pro Tour a player said "combat" when he shouldn't have, and Pete breaks that down. All that, plus news, prices, deck tech and more, all just a click away.
  • 4,975
    It's Friday! The Pro Tour has started. More importantly, Wizards has announced some new developments, including a plan to release sets on MTGO the day after the paper prerelease. That's great news - we will see if it works. Besides that, we have prices, deck tech and more news, all just a click away.
  • 4,478
    It's Friday! Aether Revolt is online. We can draft the set and play with the cards in sealed and constructed events. We can even play in the new single game match draft leagues. Pete tries out this new "more convenient" option, plus the usual mix of news, prices and deck tech from events actually playing Aether Revolt cards. It's all just a click away.
  • 4,527
    It's Friday! Aether Revolt is almost here! In the meantime, we have a ton of news, some deck tech, lots of price changes and a bunch more stuff. We do not have online prereleases, and Pete talks about Wizards decision to go directly to normal events. All that is just a click away.
  • 3,891
    It's Friday! The ban hammer has fallen! Leagues ended early, and Wizards has announced that a new Digital Games Studio would be taking over MTGO. And other stuff, too, - all just a click away.
  • 3,492
    It's Friday! It's a new year! Aether Revolt is almost here, and we are begining to see new brews. We also have some final deck tech before AR arrives, a bit of news and, of course prices. Also a reminder that leagues close on the 25th, so play out your matches - after you click on the article.
  • 3,217
    It's Friday, but it's also the Holiday Season. Wizards is not producing news, no tournaments were held last weekend, and very little else (Magic related) has happened. A typical SotP would be very short and boring. So, this week only, Pete lists his favorite Red, White, Green and Gold creatures, for the Holidays.
  • 4,269
    It's Friday! It's the Holidays! Enjoy, and to help you we have new Flashback formats, Throwback Standard leagues and lots of snow for Christmas (at least at Pete's place). All that, plus why Standard is not fun, some deck tech to close out the format, and prices. All that is just a click away.
  • 3,109
    It's Friday! It is almost Christmas. Wizards is giving us early Vintage Cube packs to open. Beyond that, not much. It is a slow news period, although we have seen some early Aether Revolt previews. Beyond that, we have prices, deck tech and all the usual stuff - all just a click away.
  • 5,005
    It's Friday! We have some news (a rare thing in December), including Wizards removing bugged cards form Flashback drafts, and musing about removing unpopular ones in the future. That, plus deck tech, prices and Pete sounds off on what MTGO could learn from Guild Wars - all just a click away.
  • 4,597
    It's Friday! Wizards published their monthly article on MTGO tournament changes, and someone became the Monarch during a GP Top 8. Maybe Wizards will reconsider whether they will program the Monarch ability into MTGO. All that, plus more news, prices, deck tech and Pete rants about prize payouts and treasure chests, then explains how Wacky Drafts can fix all problems. Really. Sort of.
  • 8,533
    It's Friday. In the US, we are recovering from massive overeating. In the rest of the world, life goes on. Life is pretty good in Greece, where their team won the Magic World Cup. In other news, the new style Treasure Chests are out, and seem to be worth around $4 each. We have that, plus news, decklists, prices and Pete's letter to Santa Worth, all just a click away.